Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3-7, 2014

Monday (Nov. 3)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain the events that led Germany from their fragile Weimar Republic to the absolute power of the Nazi Party & the Final Solution. 
Daily Activities
1. Turn in Summative Assessment - here is the link if it is still needed: Summative Assessment for current unit 
2. After you have turned in your summative assessment, read your survivor book. 
Read selected survivor book
Tuesday (Nov. 4)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. Do #1-6 in the Jewish Ghetto's packet (if absent, get notes from a classmate)
2. Read survivor book
Read selected survivor book
Wednesday (Nov. 5)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. Watch Warsaw Ghetto Animated Map & watch the Lodz Ghetto Animated Map & answer #7 in the reading guide
2. Watch survivor testimonies to answer #8-10 in guide
3. Work time on the rest of the Ghettos reading guide
Work on Ghettos Reading Guide & Read your book
Thursday (Nov. 6)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. Using the pictures below, answer #11-12 in the reading guide

  2. Watch survivor testimonies to answer #13-15 in the reading guide
3. Work time on Ghettos reading guide
Finish Ghettos Reading Guide through question #56 DUE:MON(10th)

Friday (Nov. 7)
No School for Students!!

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