Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10-14, 2014

Monday (Nov. 10)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. "History of the Lodz Ghetto" article - partner read and complete Reading Guide #57-end
Finish entire packet DUE:TUES(11th)
Tuesday (Nov. 11)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...analyze the impact liberators had on the Holocaust survivors and the impact that survivors had on the camp liberators.
Daily Activities
1. Turn in Jewish Ghettos Reading Guide
2. Veteran's Day - Liberators Activity
-Survivor testimonies & questions on worksheet
-Read excerpt from binder & questions on worksheet 
Finish Jewish Ghettos packet if you are not done
Wednesday (Nov. 12)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...analyze the impact liberators had on the Holocaust survivors and the impact that survivors had on the camp liberators.
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. Watch short archival footage of the camps by liberating Allied troops.  (Use the links below to watch the clips and then answer questions 17 & 18 on your "Liberators of Concentration Camps" worksheet
Clip from Mauthausen
Clip from Buchenwald
Clip from Dachau
Clip from Auschwitz
2. Turn in "Liberators of Concetration Camps" worksheet when finished
3. Watch the short documentary on the Lodz Ghetto - create "Knew / New Notes" - write down things from the video that you already knew about Jewish Ghettos (support what we have already learned) & things that are new to you about Jewish Ghettos
4. Small group discussion on "Knew/New Notes"
Read survivor book
Thursday (Nov. 13)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. Rumkowski - Hero or Villain of the Holocaust - in a small group create a list of reasons he could have been considered both a hero or a villain of the Lodz Ghettos
2. Review of Packet & Primary Sources
Review for test TOMORROW
Friday (Nov. 14)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. TEST - Jewish Ghettos
Read your survivor book

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