Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 6-10, 2014

Monday (Oct. 6)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain the stages of prejudice and connect historic and contemporary events accurately to the five stages.
Daily Activities
If you had your assignment complete on Thursday:
1. Finish going over summaries & complete "Stages of Prejudice: Contemporary Connections" worksheet with your group.  Turn in both the summaries & worksheets.
2. Read pgs. 71-73 & 103-120 in the binders.
If you did NOT have your assignment complete on Thursday, but do have it done today:
1. Turn in your reading assignment questions.
2. In small groups share summaries and discuss the correct stages of prejudice.  Fill out the "Stages of Prejudice: Contemporary Connections" worksheet with your group.  Turn in both your summaries & worksheets.
If you do not have your assignment complete for today:
1. On your own time, complete the "Stages of Prejudice: Contemporary Connections" worksheet with two examples for each and turn in.  If you need the worksheet see the "Assignments" tab.
None today
Tuesday (Oct. 7)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain the stages of prejudice and connect historic events accurately to the five stages.
I CAN...explain the events leading to the Nazi takeover of Germany.
I CAN...choose the main reasons why Hitler was able to take over Germany and support my choice with evidence.
Daily Activities
1. Know/Knew large group discussion - Historical Anti-Semitism
-Based on the class reading assignment (pgs.71-73 in binder), what information did you already know about historical anti-Semitism (what supports what we already read) and what information is new to you about historical anti-Semitism)?
2. Start "Rise of the Third Reich" documentary
Wednesday (Oct. 8)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain the stages of prejudice and connect historic events accurately to the five stages.
I CAN...explain the events leading to the Nazi takeover of Germany.
I CAN...choose the main reasons why Hitler was able to take over Germany and support my choice with evidence.
Daily Activities
1. "Rise of the Third Reich" documentary 
-How was Hitler able to gain power?
-How was Hitler able to able to gain and maintain complete control over the Germans?
-Identify many types of propaganda Hitler used against the Jews and why?
-What image did Germany portray about the country to the outside world and how?
-How did the Hitler Youth (for both males and females) help in gaining control over the German people?
Thursday (Oct. 9)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain the stages of prejudice and connect historic events accurately to the five stages.
I CAN...explain the events leading to the Nazi takeover of Germany.
I CAN...choose the main reasons why Hitler was able to take over Germany and support my choice with evidence.
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda.
Daily Activities
1. Finish Documentary
-What else did Hitler use propaganda to promote?  Explain how and why he promoted these things.
-Why do you think more Jews in Europe, particularly Germany, didn't get out of the country/Europe at this time?
2. Watch animated map overview of World War II from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum website - SELECT HERE to watch the short clip 
3. Reflection Questions from Documentary (see "Class Assignments..." tab for this wkst
-Complete independently
4. Turn in answers to the reflection questions
Friday (Oct. 10)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain the stages of prejudice and connect historic events accurately to the five stages.
I CAN...explain the events leading to the Nazi takeover of Germany.
I CAN...choose the main reasons why Hitler was able to take over Germany and support my choice with evidence.
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda.
Daily Activities
1. Reflection Questions from Documentary (see "Class Assignments..." tab for this wkst
-Small group share (use a different color writing utensil to add classmates ideas)
-Class discussion of questions
2. Summative Assessment - Stages of Prejudice- Give examples from the documentary that ACCURATELY match with the five stages of prejudice we have been going over in class

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