Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20-14, 2014

Monday (Oct. 20)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda in Nazi Germany.
I CAN...examine historical events that allowed for the complete breakdown of democracy in Germany between 1933-1939
I CAN...analyze the role and responsibility of individual citizens in stopping hate and the escalation of violence.
Daily Activities
1. Finish sharing chapters from "The Poisonous Mushroom"
2. Complete "Fragile Democracy (Weimar Republic) and Nazi Germany" reading guide
Finish #1-12 on the reading guide (above) DUE:TUES(21st)
Tuesday (Oct. 21)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda in Nazi Germany.
I CAN...examine historical events that allowed for the complete breakdown of democracy in Germany between 1933-1939
I CAN...analyze the role and responsibility of individual citizens in stopping hate and the escalation of violence.
Daily Activities
1. Finish "Fragile Democracy (Weimar Republic) and Nazi German" reading guide (BOTH pages) - turn in when done
Finish reading guide DUE:WED(22nd)
Wednesday (Oct. 22)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...examine historical events that allowed for the complete breakdown of democracy in Germany between 1933-1939
I CAN...analyze the role and responsibility of individual citizens in stopping hate and the escalation of violence.
I CAN...evaluate the significance of Kristallnacht to world history and the Holocaust
Daily Activities
1. -Kristallnacht 
-In class fill in worksheet as you watch the short documentary on Kristallnacht 
Watch the survivor testimonies about Kristallnact - add to your worksheet and start to think of ideas for your visual representation  SELECT HERE FOR LINK TO VIDEO
Thursday (Oct. 23)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...examine historical events that allowed for the complete breakdown of democracy in Germany between 1933-1939.
I CAN...analyze the role and responsibility of individual citizens in stopping hate and the escalation of violence.
I CAN...evaluate the significance of Kristallnacht to world history and the Holocaust.
I CAN...demonstrate a thorough understanding of Kristallnacht by representing the main points visually.
Daily Activities
1. Finish watching survivor testimonies (see link above)
Kristallnacht (Explain the Event WWWWWHS chart & create a visually representation of these main ideas) DUE:MON(24th)
Friday (Oct. 24)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...examine historical events that allowed for the complete breakdown of democracy in Germany between 1933-1939.
I CAN...analyze the role and responsibility of individual citizens in stopping hate and the escalation of violence.
I CAN...evaluate the significance of Kristallnacht to world history and the Holocaust.
I CAN...demonstrate a thorough understanding of Kristallnacht by representing the main points visually.
Daily Activities
1. Lab time on Kristallnacht assignment
Kristallnacht (Explain the Event WWWWWHS chart & create a visually representation of these main ideas) DUE:MON(24th)

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