Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 13-17, 2014

Monday (Oct. 13)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...connect current events to historic events and evaluate the decisions made in the past and propose similar or different courses of action that could be effective ways to address the current situation. 
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda.
Daily Activities
1. 60 Minutes - Role of government - security vs. freedoms
-Watch current event
-Connect to rise of Nazi party
2. "Not in our Town"
-Read in binders (page  )
-Watch 5 minute documentary overview of events in Billings, Montana
-Discuss how this town addressed the prejudice and hate around them
-Explain the power of bystanders!!
3. Types of Propaganda Notes (#4 on "Nazi Propaganda" worksheet)
Tuesday (Oct. 14)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda.
Daily Activities
1. Nazi Propaganda worksheet
-Watch testimonies and answer questions 1-3
-Using binder, finish the worksheet
Finish Nazi Propaganda worksheet - DUE:Wed(15th)
Wednesday (Oct. 15)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda in Nazi Germany.
Daily Activities
1. Turn in Nazi Propaganda worksheet
2. Nazi Children's Propaganda Academic Article - identifying propaganda and "close read" (summative score) - turn in when done 
Finish article for tomorrow if you didn't in class
Thursday (Oct. 16)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda in Nazi Germany.
Daily Activities
1. Turn in Children's propaganda article if you didn't yesterday
2. Together read over the first chapter of "The Poisonous Mushroom" children's propaganda story book
3. Read another chapter and fill in worksheet on your own
4. Partner up with the other person who read your chapter and go over answers 
Friday (Oct. 17)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...differentiate fact from propaganda and evaluate the method and effectiveness of the propaganda in Nazi Germany.
Daily Activities
1. Each group shares your chapter summary, the methods of propaganda used and the ways in which Jews were portrayed in your chapter
2. As you listen to groups, record the way in which Jews were portrayed on the back side of the worksheet in the box on the bottom left.

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