Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22-23, 2014

Monday (Dec. 22)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...connect current events to historic events.
I to identify what I know, what I don't know, main ideas and discussion points for class.
I CAN...analyze different perspectives of the same historic event.
Daily Activities
1. Together as a class read an introduction to the article and the background information about Rudolf Hoss (commandant at Auschwitz)
2. Individually, CLOSE read the article about Hoss' daughter - be sure to jot down notes to remember why you used the symbols that you did 
CLOSE read the article DUE:TUES(23rd)
Tuesday (Dec. 23)
Learning Target(s)

Daily Activities
1. Jewish Resistance Story - "Angel of Bergen-Belsen"
NONE - If survivor story paper is already turned in (if not finish for after break)

Dec. 24 - January 5
No School!

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