Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1-5, 2014

Monday (Dec. 1)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...explain what life was like for Jews forced to live in ghettos.
I CAN...analyze different sources (including primary sources) to understand what the ghettos were used for and how they fit into the Nazi's final solution.
I CAN...examine various ways individuals respond to unjust actions.
Daily Activities
1. Finish & turn in Jewish Ghettos assignment
2. Read book 
Read survivor book
Tuesday (Dec. 2)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...summarize information from a non-fiction account of the Holocaust.
I CAN...evaluate the credibility, viewpoint, intended audience, reason, historical connection and significance of a non-fiction account of the Holocaust.
I CAN...examine the Holocaust from multiple points-of-view and from diverse forms of information.
Daily Activities
1. Discuss the requirements for the Holocaust survivor book report and book review
2. Work time 
Read & work on paper
Wednesday (Dec. 3)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...summarize information from a non-fiction account of the Holocaust.
I CAN...evaluate the credibility, viewpoint, intended audience, reason, historical connection and significance of a non-fiction account of the Holocaust.
I CAN...examine the Holocaust from multiple points-of-view and from diverse forms of information.
Daily Activities
1. Work time on the Holocaust survivor book report and book review
Thursday (Dec. 4)
Learning Target(s)
I CAN...identify other Nazi victim groups (besides the Jews) and summarize why they were targeted by the Nazis.
I CAN...explain the impact that the Nazi's had on this group of people.
Daily Activities
1. Victims of the Holocaust
SELECT HERE for folder with resources to be used for today's activity (the folder is also found in the "resources" tab above)
-Open your assigned group's document and read
-Take notes on your victim group - focus on the stages of persecution the group faced, a general timeline of events related to the groups persecution in Nazi Germany, why the group was targeted by the Nazi's and what happened to them during the Holocaust
Reminder - Stages of Prejudice:
1. Anti-locution (hate speech & attitude)
2. Avoidance (by individual choice)
3. Discrimination (Official (usually gov't) laws/rules to limit the rights and freedoms of the group)
4. Physical Attack - violence or threat of violence against the group 
5. Extermination - eliminate the group
Finish worksheet for Monday
Friday (Dec. 4)
No School - Teacher In-Service

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