Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 22-26, 2014

Turn Assignment In  -  Assignment Due Date  -  TEST  -  Document Link -  Internet Link

Monday (Sept. 22)
1. Present Book Covers & Turn In
2. Small group discussion "Roots of Anti-Semitism" (using notes from the CLOSE reading strategy)

Tuesday (Sept. 23)

1. Present Book Covers & Turn In
2. Class discussion (small group share) "Roots of Anti-Semitism" 

Wednesday (Sept. 24) 

1. Finish class discussion on "Roots of Anti-Semitism"
2. Start Elie Wiesel interview - write down any major points or questions you have.
(If you are absent, SELECT HERE to watch the first 13 minutes of interview.)

Thursday (Sept. 25) 
1. Finish watching Elie Wiesel Interview (see video link above)
2. Create 12 critical thinking leveled questions from the video - you may or may not know the answer for each. (**For another copy of this worksheet go to the "Assignments" tab at the top of this page.  The "Cheat Sheet" is available there also.)  Questions only (not answers) DUE FRIDAY (26th)

Friday (Sept. 26)
1. Go over tests & put together class folders
2. Answer ONE question (with evidence) from EACH PAIR on your questions worksheet (six total) DUE: MONDAY (29th)